Hi, I’m Teo đź‘‹

Software Engineer @ NFTPort | Ex-Amazon SDE | Creator of JayOne.org

GTD Benefits and Why It Is Undervalued

Getting Things Done (GTD) is a personal task management system. It helps you gather, organise and resolve all of your commitments, ideas, and problems in a structured way through a set of principles and rules. In short, it forces you to capture all your tasks, ideas and thoughts, and distill actionable next steps into centralised and organised lists that you review regularly. Sounds like a lot of work, but it pays off with tons of benefits I will explain here....

January 11, 2022 Â· 6 min Â· Teo Toplak

Cynefin Framework and Startups

Cynefin framework is a great tool for decision-making. It was coined by Dave Snowden during his work in IBM Global Services. The framework categorises problems into 4 domains where each requires a different approach to be resolved: Obvious. The best practice solution exists for “obvious” problems. Simple math problem like linear equation is in the “obvious” domain. There is a known best-practice methodology for solving it. Complicated: There are good practice solutions, meaning there are multiple good ways of dealing with a problem....

December 27, 2021 Â· 3 min Â· Teo Toplak

Optimise for Job to Be Done

Technology is the way we do things; it is a technique. When new technology arises, a better way of doing things has been created. The combustion engines created a better way of going from point A to B compared to horses. Telephones created a better way to communicate with other people over long distances compared to post mail. Many tech companies tend not to be aware of what is that “thing” for which they are creating a better way of doing....

December 13, 2021 Â· 3 min Â· Teo Toplak

Checklist for Evaluating Startup Ideas

This is my checklist for evaluating startup ideas. It also helps you define the most important aspects of an early startup business. I consider a startup an organization that is creating a scalable service or a product in conditions of extreme uncertainty. I wouldn’t recommend this checklist for other types of businesses. Pitch Creating a pitch is a forcing function for achieving clarity about an idea. In this case a good pitch contains less than 50 characters, defines well what you’re building (product), and for whom you’re building (customer)....

November 28, 2021 Â· 7 min Â· Teo Toplak

My life-long career goal

This post is about a life-long career goal I’m setting for myself. The goal is: I will serve one million people with a net positive impact on the world in a personally sustainable way. A reachable goal is a clear goal. That is why I need to define this goal more clearly: By “serve” I mean producing value for people. One million can be a sum from multiple different services I provided....

October 20, 2021 Â· 3 min Â· Teo Toplak

Closing the Evolution Gap

The Evolution Gap Two hundred thousand years ago, Homo sapiens were walking with a relatively similar brain to one we currently have in our heads. If you would take a baby from thousands of years ago, it would grow indistinguishable from other people in present surroundings. Our brain physiology didn’t change much. But our environment changed drastically. For example, in Homo Sapiens age you would need to make decisions about where and how to find food....

September 29, 2021 Â· 8 min Â· Teo Toplak